
cool story

Lately I've been thinking about strutting my geek.  Upping the eyeball quota.  Getting my four eyes worth.  Last week I received a stern warning from my optometrist get glasses he said or you're going to be sorry.  What he seemed to have forgotten was that I wore glasses from age 5 - 18.  It doesn't get much sorrier than that.  Thirteen years later when I was financially responsible for my visual impairment I did a little dance on those fuckers & never looked back.   According to my Ma I got the art of upright sussed at record speed but the challenge was keeping it that way - growing up I was a walking accident.   As a kid I was always accused of telling stories.  I blame my off the hook imagination on being technically blind.   Because I couldn't actually see the real world I was left with no choice but to invent one.  Simple.  I visually improvised everything & in the process walked into things.  A lot.  I broke arms, smashed my head open more times than a Mexican wrestler & sported a permanent stubbed toe.  I ate things I wasn't supposed too and once took a mean swig of white spirits thinking it was water (apparently near sightedness is also linked to a poor sense of smell).  On a Saturday morning I would attempt to take up residence inside the TV & by age 5 was beginning to resemble a giant bone chip.  Then one day someone (my dad) thought to ask:  can you see & the quick answer to that was no, no I can't.   A school age eye examination revealed that I was blinder than a Texas salamander.  My mother cried.  I remember thinking what's the big deal?  Boy did she have a clue!  Overnight I became a pint sized google eyed monster.  I fell into the lumpy basket reserved for gingers, fat kids & freckle faces.  To be honest it never bothered me much.  The name calling that is.  My dad taught me a handful of highly skilled defensive moves that started with fuck off & if you were particularly unlucky a seat in the dirt.  Now as an adult I'm faced with a different kind of fear & loathing.  I will admit the thought of getting my four eyes back on makes deeply uncomfortable, but oddly this time round, it is for a different reason.  While I was resting my glasses up geeks got cool.  I think I would actually rather die than have anyone ask are those glasses real?   Maybe regardless of what my eye doctor says me & glasses will never be.
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